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Monday, April 26, 2010

800 words essay

How to genarate creative multimedia to wonderland?

Creative Multimedia is just like a wonderland. As what we all can see in the movie, in the world of wonderland, all the things are full of imagination, and we will never see it in our real world. Based on, wonderland gives the meaning of a marvellous imaginary realm or a place or scene of great or strange beauty or wonder. To be more specific, Creative Multimedia needs creative and imagination. There is always a “wonderland” in everyone’s heart that they always dream of. In their “wonderland”, there is always a perfect world that retains everything, that everything that they dream of and wish to own it so badly.

In our wonderland, curiousness is surrounded. A lot of question marks will pop out in our mind once we saw a unique item or creature appeared in the wonderland. Those unique thingy leaded us to imagine there is an alien driving UFO flying over the space. In the domain of science, alien is only appear in other planets or they might be no alien in this universe.

The universe is built up by infinity of galaxy, and people believed that some of the galaxy is represented each characteristics of human beings, and they used to call that galaxy as horoscope. People categorized the selected galaxy into 12 horoscopes and they are Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgin, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Besides that, curiousness also made us think of the mummy in the pyramid of Egypt and the Great Wall of China. Pyramid and Great wall are the two of the Eight Wonders of The World. Until now, there’s no one really know the actual methods for build up this two buildings.

The wonderland is colourful. Usually unique item or creature is designed colourfully. As we know, there’re many colour in the world. For examples, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, black, white and so on. Based on, colour is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, green, blue and others. Colour derives from the spectrum of light interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Among these entire colours, we can classify them into cold colour and hot colour. Colour made us think of beautiful, beautiful made us think of butterflies while butterflies made us think of flowers. We can imagine that how nice is the wonderland full with colour and beautiful flowers.
Wonderland always looks like a jungle which is retains of flora and fauna. For examples, sort of trees, flowers, stones and animals. In the ancient time, dinosaurs are living in the jungle, thus nowadays people used to put dinosaurs into their imaginary wonderland. For instances, animator used to animate T-Rex into the movie, Jurassic Park. Tarzan also will be addressed into jungle of a movie. In addition, the movie with highest rate in 2009, Avatar also located in the jungle that is imaginary by the animator. Animals like rabbits, cats, hamsters, birds and horses are bustling with noise and excitement in the wonderland. This made wonderland more lively and full of enjoyment.

Food is also one of the factors that caused the wonderland interesting. From the movie, Alice in Wonderland, their food is peculiar in size, shapes and colour. It is so similar to the junk food that we can seen nowadays such as lollipops, sweets, chewing gums, muffins, cotton candy, potato chips, ice-cream and others. All of this is the favourite junk food of children, and it is compulsory in their world of wonderland. Junk food already becomes the origin of happiness for all the children.

Last but not least, the games. Wonderland is a marvellous imaginary realm that is brimming with excited games. A dream wonderland is used to be a place that surrounded with laughter and excitement, games can be one of the reasons that make people laugh with enjoyment. That is why people always call a theme park as a wonderland too, games that provided in theme park such as roller coaster and marry-go-round already become a-must-have-item in a wonderland. In the real world, there are sort of games available too, in the other way, multimedia is added into wonderland and a new technology realm is created. Games invented in this technology world is getting high-tech and advanced , such as game boy, Wii , different of PSP and also F1 car racing game.

As a conclusion of all the points we given in the above, we actually gathered up all the conditions that what we should put in into Creative Multimedia this domain. In the other word, all the terms such as creative, unique, colourful, out of expectation, question marks, curiousness, imagination, so on and so forth, are the best adjective to describe Creative Multimedia. In addition, as a Creative Multimedia student, we should own all this terms in ourselves in order to create a new generation of design world. In a nutshell, let’s get ourselves living in the world of wonderland!

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