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Sunday, March 28, 2010

lesson 7: Exercises for Juxtaposition

Some exercises for Juxtaposition.

1. Flower 0. Head
2.Lightning 9. Rain
3. Ice 8. Wood
4 .Light 7. Tree
5. Fire 6. Spider
6. Duck 5. Root
7. Dog 4. Mountain
8. Oil 3. Wind
9. Leave 2. Rock
0. Fly 1. Water

Exercise 1:
Choose 3 pairs of number from group one and 3 pairs of number from group two.Merge each pair of them together. Write a sentence by using the words given and draw a picture for each of group.

I had choose 3 pairs of number, which is ( 09,23,90)

Make a sentence by using the words given

1. (09) = Fly + Rain
The bird fly in the rain.

2. (23) = Ice + Wind 
The Ice was melted after blowing by the wind.

3. (90) = Leave + Head
Some leaves drop on his head.

combination of 2 word

1. Flyrain 

2. Icewind

3. Leavehead

Exercise 2:
How merges go wrong?

Choose 2 differnt animals, combine and merge their characteristic together to make a new animal that people never see it before. Draw a picture for it. The chosen animals must be the animals that can't live when they stay together. Explain for it.

This is what I draw at class. The combination Elephant and fish. I named it as 'Elefish'.
Elephant + Fish = Elefish

The elephant is large and land mammals and the fish is aquatic vertebrate animal. They can't stay together because they stay in different environment. The elephant can't live in the water because it need to breath in the air and the fish cannot live without water. 
It was a funny combination for me. XD

Exercise 3: 
a) Create a passage / writing that describe the concept of 'love' , chili as metaphor.
Love is like a chili
Chili is spicy
Love is sweet
taste it then love it

b) Create a passage / writing that describe the concept of 'man', mortal and pestle as metaphor.
Man is like mortal and pestle
They are strong and protective
just like mortal and pestle 
strong and steady

c) Create a passage / writing that describe the concept of 'happiness', time as metaphor. 
Happiness is like the time
Time pass without waiting
Time just like money, pay for happiness

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